Author: dbs_pvjmj7


Emirates and Spotify team up to offer the best in-flight entertainment experience

Catering to Emirates’ global customer base, Spotify content will include a vast selection of playlists with over 3,500 hours of the world’s most popular music, as well as the best podcasts in English, Portuguese, Tagalog and German, which will be refreshed regularly. Spanish-language podcasts will be added to the package throughout 2025. Access to the best podcasts From business to true crime, sports and entertainment, Emirates customers can now enjoy a wide selection of podcasts on Spotify. With over 140 episodes available, the offering includes shows such as “What Now?” with Trevor Noah, “The Bill Simmons Podcast” with guests including Tom Hanks and Adam Sandler, the audio drama “Case 63” and the financial podcast “The Journal”.

Tailor-made playlists To ensure a personalised experience, Emirates and Spotify offer playlists to suit all music tastes. From the latest hip-hop hits on RapCaviar Mixtape to jazz and Arabic classics, the Latin energy of Viva Latino Mixtape and 90s hits on All Out 90s Mixtape, the addition of Spotify makes Emirates’ inflight entertainment system even more comprehensive. With over 6,500 channels in over 40 languages, 4,000 hours of movies and series, including Hollywood hits and international productions, passengers will also be able to enjoy 3,500 hours of music and podcasts, as well as a wide selection of content for children and families, offering free Wi-Fi access for all passengers, including Emirates Skywards members.

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1. Fake offers and discounts

«demasiado buenos para ser ciertos» During Black Friday, many deals on popular products such as phones, video game consoles and branded clothing typically attract millions of shoppers. Taking advantage of this expectation, scammers create ads with incredibly attractive offers, which often arrive through social networks, text messages or emails.

2. Fraudulent gift cards

Another common trick during this time is fake gift cards. Criminals send text messages or emails offering gift cards with deep discounts or bonuses, especially from well-known brands or fashion stores. When the user clicks on the link or attempts to “redeem” the card, they are usually redirected to a fraudulent site or their device becomes infected with malware, malicious software that allows attackers to access their data and, in some cases, perform unauthorized purchases.

3. Fake e-commerce websites

In the days leading up to Black Friday, many websites emerge that copy the look and feel of legitimate e-commerce platforms. These pages offer products at very low prices, seeking to hook buyers. By entering payment details or personal information, the user not only loses money, but also puts their information at risk of falling into the hands of scammers.

4. “Failed delivery” messages

or pending orders In times of massive purchases, it is common to receive notifications of shipments or deliveries. Scammers take advantage of this circumstance to send text messages or emails posing as courier companies. In these messages, they inform that a package is pending delivery and ask the user to click on a link to “confirm the address” or “pay an outstanding balance.” The link, however, redirects to a fake site that requests personal data or financial information. In some cases, the goal of the link is to install malware on the user’s device.

5. Phishing: suspicious emails and messages

Phishing is a scam technique widely used on Black Friday, as scammers use seemingly legitimate emails that pretend to be from well-known stores or banks. These emails usually contain links or attachments that, when clicked or downloaded, compromise the security of your device. In addition to impersonating stores, cybercriminals also imitate banks or payment services, asking the user to enter access data to their account to “confirm a purchase” or “verify a payment.” Safety Tip: Don’t open attachments or click on links in suspicious emails. Remember that banks and stores will never ask for your personal information by mail. If you have questions, go to the official website or contact the entity directly.

6. Misleading advertising and inflated prices

A common strategy during Black Friday is misleading advertising, in which the prices of some products are pre-inflated to make the discount appear greater than it really is. This is particularly common in social media ads or pop-ups that appear while you browse. Many users believe they are getting a big discount, when in reality the final price is the same as the original or even higher. Safety tip: Before making a purchase, compare prices on different websites and check other users’ opinions. This will help you ensure that you are getting a good deal and not an inflated price.

To avoid falling victim to scams during Black Friday, follow these additional tips: Review URLs and security protocol: Avoid entering data on sites that do not include the “https” prefix and the lock icon in the address bar. Buy only on trusted sites: Make your purchases on well-known sites or online stores with a good reputation. Make sure the domain name matches the brand name.

Protect your personal data: If a site requests more information than necessary for a purchase, be wary. For example, identification numbers or date of birth are generally not required to process a purchase. Use secure payment methods: Credit cards often have fraud protection policies, which provides an extra layer of security.

Avoid making payments through bank transfers or unknown payment services. Check reviews and return policy: Read other users’ opinions about the store and make sure the store offers a clear return policy in case of problems.

This Black Friday, offers will be everywhere, and so will scammers. Being an informed and cautious buyer is the key to avoiding falling into fraud. Keep an eye out for warning signs and follow these tips to make your purchases safely. With a little caution and verification, you can enjoy the best deals of the season without compromising your security, personal data, or money.

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Tras dos años de restricciones de viajes impuestas por la pandemia, los vuelos han vuelto. Pero también lo están las estafas de viajes. Investigadores de Kaspersky han observado una intensificación en el envío masivo de mensajes fraudulentos (phishing) con el objetivo de llevar a los internautas a páginas falsas que simulan sitios reales de aerolíneas y servicios de reservas aéreas para robar sus credenciales, obtener sus puntos/millas y luego monetizarlos.

La empresa de seguridad señala que estos sitios falsos de reservas aéreas son cada vez mejores, y algunos incluso muestran detalles de vuelos reales para transmitir mayor autenticidad a las víctimas. A lo que los usuarios ingresan sus datos en dichas páginas, en lugar de entregar los boletos de avión prometidos, los ciberdelincuentes se quedan con su dinero y utilizan la información personal obtenida con fines maliciosos (por ejemplo, vendiendo sus datos bancarios e información de identificación en la dark web).

Una vez que tengan acceso a la cuenta, los estafadores transferirán los puntos/millas de beneficios y monetizarán la estafa al venderlos. Otra acción que realizan los ciberdelincuentes es cambiar el correo electrónico y el número de teléfono registrados en la cuenta, lo que dificulta que la víctima la pueda recuperar. Finalmente, los delincuentes intentarán acceder a otros servicios en línea con la contraseña robada. Si la víctima reutiliza el mismo código en otros sitios, el daño será mayor. Otras consecuencias Además, los expertos de Kaspersky advierten sobre otras consecuencias de este tipo de fraude. Si la víctima no se da cuenta de que la cuenta ha sido secuestrada y continúa transfiriendo los puntos de beneficio al programa, el estafador continuará robando los beneficios/millas. Esto puede ocurrir cuando el internauta no consulta sus puntos con frecuencia. “El cibercrimen es cada vez más complejo y los ciberdelincuentes aprovechan las diferentes temporadas para hacer más veraces sus tácticas y dirigirlas a usuarios de diversos tipos de servicios. Sin embargo, los ataques se pueden evitar si el usuario permanece atento, desde el momento que este accede al sitio web para realizar sus reservas de viaje hasta el pago del servicio. Es importante verificar a qué se está accediendo y dónde está ingresando su información personal porque, con la sofisticación del fraude, no se puede ser demasiado cuidadoso”, explica Fabio Assolini, director del Equipo de Investigación y Análisis para América Latina en Kaspersky. Para mantenerse protegido mientras planea sus vacaciones, los expertos de Kaspersky recomiendan: Observar cuidadosamente la barra de direcciones antes de introducir cualquier información sensible, como tus datos de acceso y tu contraseña. Si algo está mal en la URL (por ejemplo, la ortografía, no se parece a la original o utiliza algunos símbolos especiales en lugar de letras) no introduzca nada en el sitio. En caso de duda, compruebe el certificado del sitio haciendo clic en el icono del candado a la izquierda de la URL. Reservar su estancia y boletos sólo a través de los sitios web de proveedores de confianza. Lo ideal es ingresar manualmente la dirección del sitio web en la barra de direcciones. No hacer clic en enlaces que provengan de fuentes desconocidas (ya sea a través de correos electrónicos, aplicaciones de mensajería o redes sociales). Cuidar su contraseña. Al registrarse en programas de viajero frecuente, cree una contraseña única y exclusiva para ese sitio y no la utilice en ningún otro servicio web. Visitar la web oficial de la empresa si ves un sorteo ofrecido en el correo electrónico o en las redes sociales por una compañía de viajes o una aerolínea para confirmar que el sorteo existe. También se debe comprobar cuidadosamente los enlaces a los que te lleva el anuncio del sorteo. Utilizar una buena solución de seguridad que proteja de correos electrónicos de spam y de los ataques de phishing.

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A YouTube converter is a must nowadays, after all, who doesn’t like to enjoy their favorite videos or songs at all times? But to achieve this, you need the right tool. A reliable and functional program, and if it is also free, much better. Well, this is only part of what Snappea Downloader can do for you.

You may have heard of this YouTube converter as it is the best in its class. Among its most outstanding features, you will not only be able to find its free operation, it is also a platform that will not ask you to log in, link any account or give your personal data. Anyone can use Snappea Downloader just by entering the page.

In the same way, it is a tool with unlimited operation. What does this mean? That you can use it as many times as you want without restrictions. With Snappea Downloader you will be able to download from YouTube without worrying, since it can be used from all kinds of devices. Linux, Windows and Mac computers and laptops; as well as iOS or Android phones and tablets.  

Even if you are a user of the robot’s operating system, you can find Snappea for Android, its exclusive app. Now, choose this YouTube video to music and video converter, it has this peculiarity, and it offers you multiple formats and resolutions for. MP3 and MP4, with support from 480p to 4K HD, and downloads are very fast regardless of the weight or length of the YouTube video you intend to transform. In addition, it includes its own search engine, which you can use with a YouTube link or with a direct query.

You will no longer suffer from watermarks or advertisements that interrupt your videos or audios, Snappea Downloader is free of all this. At no time will you see ads when using the web, nor do you need to pass security checks or Captchas to access its download mode. It is a platform with a friendly interface, beautiful and very easy to use. Do you want to know how to use this online YouTube video converter? It’s super simple! You will only have to open the browser of your device and go to the main page of Snappea Downloader.

There you will see a search bar, from where you will find any video found on YouTube; either with the title, the author or a keyword related to the publication. To continue, you must select the video you want to convert, so that the platform shows you all the available options. You will see two sections: MP3 and MP4, each of these will have a list of available resolutions and the corresponding weight in MB. The choice is yours, you can download a low weight file to save space and data, or prefer a high quality download. One of the great advantages of Snappea Downloader is that you can bookmark the platform in your browser; In this way, you will be able to save time when converting the videos you want. You can also follow the various guides available on the web to learn more about this wonderful online tool.

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